Is Seltzer Bad For Your Teeth

Is Seltzer Bad For Your Teeth?

Seltzer water is becoming a trendy beverage, especially in the US. However, it is not all good news for the teeth. In fact, if you have dental problems, it can cause more harm than good.

Seltzer water is infused with carbon dioxide under high pressure, which produces an acidic drink. This acid is not strong, but it does affect the pH of the drink. The amount of acid in seltzer varies from brand to brand, and some have more acids than others. Using a straw can reduce the acidity of a drink. Regardless of the ingredients used, it is important to know whether your favorite beverage is safe for your teeth.

If you drink seltzer, you should avoid added sugar. Tooth enamel can be damaged by too much sugar. Sweetened sodas, juices, and sports drinks can all hurt your teeth. Added sugar can stimulate oral bacteria to produce more acid. When this happens, the bacteria will eat away at your tooth enamel, resulting in cavities and other oral health problems.

You should also look for a flavored seltzer that contains no added sugar. Some brands may add a fruit juice or citric acid to boost the taste. This is not always a good idea, as citric acid has been shown to erode tooth enamel.

Generally speaking, sparkling water is not as bad for your teeth as soda. The reason is that it is not as acidic as soda. Soda contains a pH of around 2.4, whereas sparkling water has a pH of around 7.5.

It is not uncommon for seltzers to have a range from three to four on the pH scale. For example, Perrier has a pH of 5.5, while Coke has a pH of 2.7. A study conducted by the British government found that the erosive potential of some flavored sparkling waters was similar to orange juice. But there is one important factor to keep in mind: sparkling water is only safe if it is free of artificial sweeteners and citric acid.

Although seltzer is less likely to hurt your teeth than soda, you should still avoid it. The American Dental Association recommends you avoid flavored seltzer because it can cause damage to your enamel.

While seltzer may not be as bad for your teeth as soda, it can still cause significant wear and tear on your teeth. Flavored seltzers contain ingredients such as citrus fruits that contain citric acid, which is a strong acid.

Seltzer has a number of other health benefits, including being calorie-free and being a great way to break up the boredom of drinking plain, old-fashioned water. However, you should also remember that it is not the only source of hydration. As with other drinks, it is important to maintain an overall hydration routine. By drinking water at all times, you are keeping your mouth hydrated, which can prevent cavities.

Sparkling water may be the smallest of the big gizmos, but it does have its own merits. Xylitol, an antioxidant, has been shown to help fight bacteria that can stick to your teeth.

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