How Many Calories Are In A Can Of Green Beans

How Many Calories Are In A Can Of Green Beans?

If you’re looking to find out how many calories are in a can of green beans, then you’ve come to the right place. These delicious, high-fiber legumes can help you improve your health and keep you full and satisfied.

Common names for green beans

Green beans are super high in protein, fiber, and complex carbs. They can be eaten raw, steamed, or baked. You can also use them in soups, chili, and salads.

Green beans can be found in many varieties. Some of them are more tender than others. Others are larger and take longer to cook.

One of the most common green bean types is called the Kentucky Wonder. Another is the Blue Lake Pole. A pole bean is a type of green bean that grows on a tall plant. It can ascend up to 12 feet.

Other common green bean names include snap beans, string beans, haricot vert, and romano. All of these are from the same plant family.

Phaseolus vulgaris is the name of the scientific name for green beans. The plant is a popular vegetable in the United States and Mexico. There are about 130 varieties of green beans.

The most common variety is the Blue Lake. It can be harvested in about 53 days.

Nutritional value

Green beans are not only a great source of protein, they also provide a host of essential nutrients. They contain a number of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body. It also promotes immune system function. Other benefits of green beans include their high fiber content, which reduces cholesterol levels and may prevent cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Folate is another key component of green beans. This vitamin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and for fetal development. Adding green beans to your diet can increase your folate intake by a whopping 80%. Adding these legumes to your diet will also help lower your homocysteine levels, which are known to cause a number of diseases.

These legumes are also very low in calories. For instance, a cup of cooked green beans contains just 40 calories. Moreover, they are a good source of calcium and iron, which are crucial for healthy bones and teeth.

Health benefits

Many people enjoy eating green beans as a healthy snack. These are rich in several essential nutrients, and contain antioxidants that protect against age-related diseases. They also lower the risk of heart disease, and some cancers.

The fiber in these beans helps your digestive system work properly. It can help lower cholesterol levels, and increase satiety. Some studies show that soluble fiber may even reduce inflammation. Moreover, it can change how the body uses fats.

Green beans are also rich in magnesium. This is a key nutrient for muscle development. Additionally, magnesium has been shown to protect the brain against decline in function as we get older.

As a side dish, green beans can be cooked, or eaten raw. Whether you eat them in a salad, soup, or alone, you will benefit from their antioxidant properties.

Green beans are high in fiber. Soluble fiber may help reduce LDL cholesterol. In addition, the protein in these beans can boost the amino acid profile in the body.

Symptoms of an allergy to green beans

Green beans can cause a food allergy in certain individuals. In some cases, the symptoms may be mistaken for other allergies.

Most people can tolerate a small amount of green bean without experiencing any allergic reaction. However, there are some who experience severe reactions.

This is an autoimmune reaction where the body recognizes a harmful substance. When this occurs, the body releases IgE antibodies which attack the foreign substance. These antibodies trigger the release of histamine.

Symptoms can occur when you ingest any of the following foods: peanuts, egg, dairy, seafood, vegetables, meats, and tree nuts. Symptoms can develop within minutes to hours after you eat the offending food.

If you or your child develops an allergy to green beans, you should consult a doctor. He or she can suggest a diet for you to follow. They can also do a blood allergy test. The test measures IgE antibodies in the blood. It is typically performed after you notice green bean allergy symptoms.

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